
military academy



military academy为短语/超纲词汇

military academy

.Military A'cademy
a national college where people are trained to be officers in the military forces
a private school in the US that gives students military training
1. These are the folks who are joining the gangs in inner cities and swelling the ranks of the rural military gangs.

2. They found the young man walking through some marshes in a military exercise.

3. King Gustavus Adolphus, ´The Northern Hurricane´, then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years´ War, had dictated her measurements and armament.

4. He served as military adviser to the Japanese delegation.

5. He is an expert in military strategy.

6. Did you go to the Military Academy?

7. After I got out of the Military Academy ,I was a platoon leader.
    军校毕业之后我当排长, 然后我当连长.

8. At a meeting of the military chiefs a few hours earlier, the British, at first hesitant, were raising additional objections to fixing the date for the invasion of northern France, known by the code name Overlord.

9. "Tai chi has been used in China as an exercise for older individuals for three centuries and as a military art for 2,000 years," Wolf says.

10. "They want to make their own arrangements, rather than let a court decide," said the president of the New York chapter of the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers.
    "他们想自己安排解决,而不想让法庭裁决," 美国婚姻法律师协会纽约分会的会长说。
